A grizzly bear relaxes in the sun. Photo: BJ Vicks
There is an abundance of wildlife in Yoho National Park which you may
catch a glimpse of during your visit. Large mammals are often the most
impressive animals to see, but those with a keen eye will be rewarded
by the multitude of small mammals, birds, and insects that make Yoho National
Park their home. The best times to see animals are early in the morning,
or later in the evening.
Black Bears
A Black Bear cub climbs a tree. Photo: Matt Tobey
At home in Yoho's marshlands, a Moose feeds on aquatic vegetation. Photo: Matt Tobey
Hoary Marmot
The Hoary Marmot, a member of the squirrel family, is easily spotted by hikers who visit the higher alpine regions of Yoho National Park. They often remain very calm in the presence of humans, giving plenty of time for fantastic photo opportunities. Photo: BJ Vicks
Rufous Hummingbird
The Rufous Hummingbird is often heard before being seen as it streaks past hikers with brightly coloured clothing. Photo: BJ Vicks
Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
The Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel is frequently found along Yoho's rocky trails. Photo: Matt Tobey
Mountain Goats
Mountain Goats thrive in Yoho's high alpine. Photo: Matt Tobey
A male Elk is a common sight in Yoho National Park where the herds are protected from hunting. Photo: Matt TobeyThe Elk herd wanders into town looking for a nibble of fresh spring grass. Photo: Matt Tobey
Boreal Toad
The only amphibian found in the high mountains of Yoho. It is a rare treat to spot this beautifully-coloured toad. Photo: Matt Tobey
The adorable pika. Photo: BJ Vicks
The tiny Pika builds its home in the many rock piles of Yoho National Park. This adorable animal spends the summer foraging vegetation to form a 'hay pile' for the winter ahead. Their stash allows them to remain active underneath the snow during the winter months, as Pikas do not hibernate.
A taxidermied wolverine on display at the Yoho Visitor Centre
* This website has no affiliation with Parks Canada, Yoho National Park, or any government or provincial entities and is owned and operated solely by Fresh Front Media Company. While Fresh Front Media Company has made efforts to verify the accuracy of this site, Parks Canada rules, regulations, fees, and visitor safety information should be verified on Parks Canada's Yoho National Park site.